
IQInvestigate drives accurate, scalable referrals for resolution-ready claims across entire open claim books

Our proprietary explainable AI delivers plain-English evidence to investigators working key claims. IQInvestigate serves major carriers in Disability & Workers Compensation lines of business.

Operational Business Value

Increase Detection Accuracy

Increase productivity of claim reviews and SIU.

Reduce False-Positive Investigations

Improve claimant experience.

Lower Claim Reserves

With automated malingering claim identification on open blocks of claims.

Faster Claim Investigations

Expedite via IQInvestigate workflow product and tools.

Group Disability & Workers Compensation Carriers

Group Disability and Workers Compensation Carriers use IQInvestigate to identify, investigate and adjudicate open claims with high risk of claim malingering, ensuring lower claim costs, fewer false-positive investigations and a more productive claim review process.

IQInvestigate automates Intelligent Malingering Detection across entire open claim books, automatically referring claims to examiners or SIU for directed claim reviews & investigations. IQinvestigate’s proprietary technology delivers plain-english evidence and investigation guidance for every single claim. Rather than a limited list of pre-determined rules, these insights are actually learned from the data of hundreds of thousands of claims, and follow nuances found in internal claim data, unstructured data and examiner notes, or vast external data on the claimant and claim context.

The result is more accurate, timely and efficient claim reviews & investigations, effective claim cost containment and duration reduction, and improved customer service via fewer false-positive investigations and reviews.

Results at Top Ten National Carriers:

IQInvestigate has outperformed carriers’ existing detection efforts by nearly an order of magnitude, with millions in malingering claim reserves taken down quarterly.
Examiners are performing fewer investigations overall, but are having more than 5x the impact rate.
Customer nuisance is down, case impact is up.

Application Features