HEMIC Partners with EvolutionIQ to Transform Claims Management
Empower claims examiners. Accelerate safe return to work.
Proactively direct efforts to the right claim at the right time. Manage claim duration, facilitate return-to-work, and focus on claimant experience
Expediting resolutions and reducing costs for short- and long-term disability claims
Quickly identify and prioritize investigative action on LTD claims with resolution potential. Move more claims off your STD examiners' plates faster, reducing costs and operational workload for your team.
Reducing STD to LTD transition incident rate
Target and mitigate claims at risk of moving from short-term disability to the long-term disability block. Take steps to resolve more claims in the first, most active years of long-term disability, shrinking the size of your mature claim block.
Safely returning more employees to work earlier
Proactive claimant communication and collaboration with resourced specialists creates better, safer return-to-work options for claimants. Consistently handle claims toward faster recoveries and better outcomes.
Proactively managing mature claims with resolution potential
Exponentially shrink your mature block of claims with configurable, precision-driven investigation and settlement alerts for claims in the long-term disability maintenance block
Creating operational efficiency for high-performance teams
Automated, accurate triage assigns claims to the best STD claims professional to handle them. Speed claim reviews, assign valuable resources appropriately, and enable claims professionals to focus on delivering consistently impressive claimant experiences.