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Policy interpretation
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Jurisdictional requirements
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Special claims handling agreements
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Medical inflation
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Regulatory requirements
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Customer expectation
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M17.479 5.39767C17.7422 5.39767 17.9714 5.20288 18.0068 4.93465L18.2274 3.27007C18.2662 2.97788 18.0607 2.70965 17.7688 2.67111C17.4787 2.63465 17.2089 2.83725 17.1701 3.12944L16.9495 4.79403C16.9107 5.08621 17.1162 5.35444 17.4081 5.39298C17.4318 5.39611 17.4555 5.39767 17.479 5.39767Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M14.1483 5.4982C14.216 5.4982 14.285 5.48518 14.3517 5.45758C14.6238 5.34508 14.7535 5.03362 14.641 4.76122L13.9999 3.20966C13.8874 2.93726 13.5764 2.80758 13.3033 2.9206C13.0311 3.0331 12.9014 3.34455 13.0139 3.61695L13.6551 5.16851C13.74 5.37424 13.9387 5.4982 14.1483 5.4982Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M16 15.1625C18.2293 15.1625 20.0373 13.3598 20.0373 11.1304C20.0373 8.90112 18.2293 7.09314 16 7.09314C13.7707 7.09314 11.9626 8.90112 11.9626 11.1304C11.9626 13.3598 13.7707 15.1625 16 15.1625Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M20.4107 6.97572C20.5707 6.97572 20.7307 6.90639 20.8374 6.76772L21.8614 5.43438C22.0374 5.20505 21.9947 4.86905 21.76 4.68773C21.5254 4.50639 21.1947 4.5544 21.0134 4.78373L19.9894 6.11706C19.808 6.35173 19.856 6.68773 20.0854 6.86371C20.1867 6.93839 20.2987 6.97572 20.4107 6.97572Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M23.232 9.03436C22.9386 8.61304 22.4906 8.33569 21.984 8.25038C21.4773 8.17036 20.9653 8.29305 20.5493 8.60236C20.5226 8.62372 20.496 8.64504 20.4746 8.66636C20.8746 9.39702 21.104 10.2397 21.104 11.1304C21.104 11.5624 21.0506 11.9837 20.9493 12.3837L23.8826 16.6077L20.832 16.773H11.2L8.11729 16.6077L11.0506 12.3837C10.9493 11.9837 10.896 11.5624 10.896 11.1304C10.896 10.2397 11.1253 9.40236 11.5306 8.6717C11.504 8.64504 11.4773 8.62372 11.4506 8.60236C11.0346 8.29305 10.528 8.17036 10.016 8.25038C9.50928 8.33569 9.06663 8.61304 8.76797 9.03436L4.38929 15.2957C3.99463 15.8611 3.78662 16.5223 3.78662 17.205C3.78662 18.8904 5.05062 20.3144 6.71995 20.517L10.6346 20.9864V28.7997C10.6346 29.093 10.8746 29.333 11.168 29.333H20.832C21.1253 29.333 21.3653 29.093 21.3653 28.7997V20.9864L25.2799 20.517C26.9493 20.3144 28.2133 18.8904 28.2133 17.205C28.2133 16.5223 28.0053 15.8611 27.6106 15.2957L23.232 9.03436Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M9.56276 5.37038C9.38141 5.59971 9.42409 5.93572 9.65876 6.11706L10.9921 7.14106C11.0881 7.21573 11.2001 7.25307 11.3121 7.25307C11.4721 7.25307 11.6321 7.17839 11.7388 7.04506C11.9147 6.81039 11.8721 6.47439 11.6374 6.29307L10.3094 5.26905C10.0747 5.09307 9.73877 5.13572 9.56276 5.37038Z" fill="#00D08E"/> </svg>
Overwhelming claims volume
<svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.3191 5.99813C10.9689 5.36235 11.375 4.47869 11.375 3.5C11.375 1.5701 9.8049 0 7.875 0C5.9451 0 4.375 1.5701 4.375 3.5C4.375 4.47869 4.78109 5.36235 5.43086 5.99813C4.26685 6.78519 3.5 8.11729 3.5 9.625V11.375C3.5 11.8582 3.89182 12.25 4.375 12.25H11.375C11.8582 12.25 12.25 11.8582 12.25 11.375V9.625C12.25 8.11729 11.4831 6.78519 10.3191 5.99813Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M22.5692 21.7481C23.219 21.1123 23.625 20.2287 23.625 19.25C23.625 17.3201 22.0553 15.75 20.125 15.75C18.1947 15.75 16.625 17.3201 16.625 19.25C16.625 20.2287 17.0311 21.1123 17.6808 21.7481C16.5168 22.5352 15.75 23.8673 15.75 25.375V27.125C15.75 27.6082 16.1414 28 16.625 28H23.625C24.1086 28 24.5 27.6082 24.5 27.125V25.375C24.5 23.8673 23.7332 22.5352 22.5692 21.7481Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M21.875 11.375C21.3914 11.375 21 10.9832 21 10.5V7.875C21 5.9451 19.4303 4.375 17.5 4.375H14.875C14.3918 4.375 14 3.98318 14 3.5C14 3.01682 14.3918 2.625 14.875 2.625H17.5C20.395 2.625 22.75 4.97997 22.75 7.875V10.5C22.75 10.9832 22.3586 11.375 21.875 11.375Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M21.875 12.25C21.651 12.25 21.4272 12.1645 21.2563 11.9936L19.5063 10.2436C19.1646 9.9018 19.1646 9.3481 19.5063 9.00624C19.8481 8.66438 20.4018 8.66447 20.7437 9.00624L21.875 10.1376L23.0064 9.00624C23.3482 8.66447 23.9019 8.66447 24.2438 9.00624C24.5856 9.34802 24.5855 9.90172 24.2438 10.2436L22.4938 11.9936C22.3229 12.1645 22.0988 12.25 21.875 12.25Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M13.125 25.375H10.5C7.60497 25.375 5.25 23.02 5.25 20.125V17.5C5.25 17.0168 5.64182 16.625 6.125 16.625C6.60818 16.625 7 17.0168 7 17.5V20.125C7 22.0549 8.5701 23.625 10.5 23.625H13.125C13.6082 23.625 14 24.0168 14 24.5C14 24.9832 13.6082 25.375 13.125 25.375Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M7.87508 19.25C7.65116 19.25 7.42734 19.1646 7.25645 18.9937L6.12508 17.8623L4.9937 18.9937C4.65193 19.3354 4.09823 19.3354 3.75636 18.9937C3.4145 18.6519 3.41459 18.0982 3.75636 17.7563L5.50636 16.0063C5.84814 15.6646 6.40184 15.6646 6.7437 16.0063L8.4937 17.7563C8.83547 18.0981 8.83547 18.6518 8.4937 18.9937C8.32281 19.1646 8.0989 19.25 7.87508 19.25Z" fill="#050E49"/> </svg>
Claim professional turnover
<svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.3191 5.99813C10.9689 5.36235 11.375 4.47869 11.375 3.5C11.375 1.5701 9.8049 0 7.875 0C5.9451 0 4.375 1.5701 4.375 3.5C4.375 4.47869 4.78109 5.36235 5.43086 5.99813C4.26685 6.78519 3.5 8.11729 3.5 9.625V11.375C3.5 11.8582 3.89182 12.25 4.375 12.25H11.375C11.8582 12.25 12.25 11.8582 12.25 11.375V9.625C12.25 8.11729 11.4831 6.78519 10.3191 5.99813Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M22.5692 21.7481C23.219 21.1123 23.625 20.2287 23.625 19.25C23.625 17.3201 22.0553 15.75 20.125 15.75C18.1947 15.75 16.625 17.3201 16.625 19.25C16.625 20.2287 17.0311 21.1123 17.6808 21.7481C16.5168 22.5352 15.75 23.8673 15.75 25.375V27.125C15.75 27.6082 16.1414 28 16.625 28H23.625C24.1086 28 24.5 27.6082 24.5 27.125V25.375C24.5 23.8673 23.7332 22.5352 22.5692 21.7481Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M21.875 11.375C21.3914 11.375 21 10.9832 21 10.5V7.875C21 5.9451 19.4303 4.375 17.5 4.375H14.875C14.3918 4.375 14 3.98318 14 3.5C14 3.01682 14.3918 2.625 14.875 2.625H17.5C20.395 2.625 22.75 4.97997 22.75 7.875V10.5C22.75 10.9832 22.3586 11.375 21.875 11.375Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M21.875 12.25C21.651 12.25 21.4272 12.1645 21.2563 11.9936L19.5063 10.2436C19.1646 9.9018 19.1646 9.3481 19.5063 9.00624C19.8481 8.66438 20.4018 8.66447 20.7437 9.00624L21.875 10.1376L23.0064 9.00624C23.3482 8.66447 23.9019 8.66447 24.2438 9.00624C24.5856 9.34802 24.5855 9.90172 24.2438 10.2436L22.4938 11.9936C22.3229 12.1645 22.0988 12.25 21.875 12.25Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M13.125 25.375H10.5C7.60497 25.375 5.25 23.02 5.25 20.125V17.5C5.25 17.0168 5.64182 16.625 6.125 16.625C6.60818 16.625 7 17.0168 7 17.5V20.125C7 22.0549 8.5701 23.625 10.5 23.625H13.125C13.6082 23.625 14 24.0168 14 24.5C14 24.9832 13.6082 25.375 13.125 25.375Z" fill="#050E49"/> <path d="M7.87508 19.25C7.65116 19.25 7.42734 19.1646 7.25645 18.9937L6.12508 17.8623L4.9937 18.9937C4.65193 19.3354 4.09823 19.3354 3.75636 18.9937C3.4145 18.6519 3.41459 18.0982 3.75636 17.7563L5.50636 16.0063C5.84814 15.6646 6.40184 15.6646 6.7437 16.0063L8.4937 17.7563C8.83547 18.0981 8.83547 18.6518 8.4937 18.9937C8.32281 19.1646 8.0989 19.25 7.87508 19.25Z" fill="#050E49"/> </svg>
Claim professional turnover
<svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M16.625 0H3.20833C1.435 0 0 1.435 0 3.20833V21.2917C0 23.065 1.435 24.5 3.20833 24.5H12.7167C11.7367 22.9483 11.0833 21.1167 11.0833 19.0167V16.17C10.9083 16.275 10.71 16.3333 10.5 16.3333H4.66667C4.025 16.3333 3.5 15.8083 3.5 15.1667C3.5 14.525 4.025 14 4.66667 14H10.5C10.7217 14 10.92 14.0583 11.095 14.1633C11.1417 13.1717 11.6083 12.2617 12.3433 11.6667H4.66667C4.025 11.6667 3.5 11.1417 3.5 10.5C3.5 9.85833 4.025 9.33333 4.66667 9.33333H15.1667C15.6567 9.33333 16.0767 9.63667 16.2517 10.0683L19.5767 8.93667C19.6583 8.90167 19.74 8.87833 19.8333 8.86667V3.20833C19.8333 1.435 18.3983 0 16.625 0ZM9.33333 7H4.66667C4.025 7 3.5 6.475 3.5 5.83333C3.5 5.19167 4.025 4.66667 4.66667 4.66667H9.33333C9.975 4.66667 10.5 5.19167 10.5 5.83333C10.5 6.475 9.975 7 9.33333 7Z" fill="#00D08E"/> <path d="M27.209 13.2288L21.084 11.1451C20.8402 11.0623 20.5754 11.0623 20.3315 11.1451L14.2065 13.2288C13.734 13.3898 13.4155 13.8343 13.4155 14.3336V19.0213C13.4155 24.9328 19.971 27.7888 20.2499 27.9078C20.3969 27.9696 20.5532 28 20.7084 28C20.8635 28 21.0199 27.9696 21.1657 27.9066C21.4445 27.7876 28 24.9328 28 19.0213V14.3336C28 13.8331 27.6827 13.3898 27.209 13.2288ZM24.85 17.6166L21.35 22.2833C21.147 22.554 20.8379 22.7231 20.4995 22.7465C20.4715 22.7488 20.4435 22.75 20.4167 22.75C20.1075 22.75 19.8112 22.6286 19.5919 22.4081L17.2585 20.0748C16.8024 19.6186 16.8024 18.8813 17.2585 18.4251C17.7147 17.969 18.452 17.969 18.9082 18.4251L20.2907 19.8076L22.9834 16.2166C23.3695 15.7021 24.101 15.596 24.6155 15.9833C25.1324 16.3695 25.2374 17.101 24.85 17.6166Z" fill="#00D08E"/> </svg>
Policy Interpretation
<svg width="26" height="30" viewBox="0 0 26 30" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M20.9578 23.5133C20.8895 22.4383 21.215 20.9515 21.8733 20.0975C24.4983 16.691 25.6628 13.7395 25.1133 10.107C24.2228 4.22002 20.065 1.10177 14.3165 0.806771C8.03427 0.481771 2.65402 4.51677 2.82727 10.0818C2.85002 10.8163 2.97852 11.898 2.97552 12.6048C2.96977 15.1153 0.797518 16.1465 0.755768 16.9455C0.687018 18.2575 2.22827 17.8478 2.77177 19.7038C3.46177 22.06 2.47177 24.747 5.68377 24.581C6.96502 24.5295 9.04727 24.0323 9.93952 24.862C10.5085 25.391 10.9668 27.7 11.1455 28.7218C11.1697 28.8591 11.2415 28.9835 11.3484 29.0731C11.4553 29.1626 11.5903 29.2116 11.7298 29.2113H21.372C21.464 29.2115 21.5548 29.1904 21.6372 29.1494C21.7196 29.1085 21.7914 29.0489 21.8467 28.9754C21.9021 28.9019 21.9396 28.8165 21.9562 28.726C21.9728 28.6355 21.9682 28.5424 21.9425 28.454C21.6218 27.35 21.0673 25.2415 20.9578 23.5133ZM11.9288 13.8055C6.45052 13.8055 4.61402 11.4305 4.77302 9.15302C5.03452 5.40302 7.66302 2.94302 12.654 2.63652C14.3895 2.51958 16.1287 2.80092 17.7388 3.45905C19.3488 4.11718 20.7871 5.13467 21.9438 6.43377C23.3688 8.09502 24.4295 12.5 22.276 14.4553C18.6688 17.7303 16.0523 13.8055 11.9288 13.8055Z" fill="#050E49"/> </svg>
Mental health issues
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Adequate reserving
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Multi-party involvement
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Jurisdictional requirements
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