Drive lower expense ratio and more efficient claim handling.
IQPriority’s litigation propensity analytics reduce loss costs.
Detail severity factors to assist in consistent, optimal and transparent handling.
Enable constant awareness of at-risk claims, regardless of stage.
IQPriority segments incoming claims by working group, customized to each carrier’s existing or desired processes, with industry leading accuracy. As claims progress, IQPriority continuously scans the entire claim file, and alerts examiners to unexpected changes in claim trajectory and alerts management of escalations in claim severity.
Expense Containment via automated & precise fast-track
Loss Cost Containment via FNOL intervention & attention on severe claims
Adjusters and managers are alerted to high risk claims, high attorney involvement likelihoods, and material changes to expected claim costs.
Handling expense falls dramatically, as do total claim costs while customer service is increased with fewer transfers between examiners.
Expense Containment via automated assignment & precise fast-track
Loss Cost Containment via FNOL intervention & attention on severe claims
IQPriority segments incoming claims by working group, customized to each carrier’s existing or desired processes, with industry leading accuracy. As claims progress, IQPriority continuously scans the entire claim file, and alerts examiners to unexpected changes in claim trajectory and alerts management of escalations in claim severity.
Expense Containment via automated & precise fast-track
Loss Cost Containment via FNOL intervention & attention on severe claims
Adjusters and managers are alerted to high risk claims, high attorney involvement likelihoods, and material changes to expected claim costs.
Handling expense falls dramatically, as do total claim costs while customer service is increased with fewer transfers between examiners.
Expense Containment via automated assignment & precise fast-track
Loss Cost Containment via FNOL intervention & attention on severe claims