

Medical Insights for Knowledge-Driven Decision-Making within the EvolutionIQ Platform

What we’re hearing from the industry

Deciphering vast amounts of complex medical data from disparate sources has long been a laborious and error-prone task for claims teams.
“..a single medical document could take over 30 minutes to comb through. As the claim goes on this problem only gets worse”
Senior Claims Professional at a Top 10 Carrier
“Any delay in the process slows down our ability to make a decision. Some examiners get stuck in the continuous circle of medical document requests and then the block grows and becomes unmanageable.”
Claim Director at a top 10 carrier
“In the worst case scenario, you don’t understand the medical context  quickly or thoroughly enough  and make the wrong claim decision.”
Claims Manager at a Top 10 Carrier

MedHub changes the status quo with a completely 
new way to consume medical information

MedHub is an AI-powered medical synthesis solution integrated into the EvolutionIQ ecosystem. MedHub ingests and extracts critical medical information across scattered sources, then synthesizes  and presents actionable & consumable insights that further enrich EvolutionIQ’s Claims Guidance, empowering teams to make high-impact decisions quicker and more confidently.
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MedHub amplifies the impact of your Claims Guidance ecosystem

EvolutionIQ’s Claims Guidance  provides dynamic, claim-specific outcome projections and tactical handling recommendations. 
MedHub is fully integrated into a client’s existing EvolutionIQ ecosystem, contextualizes EvolutionIQ guidance with medical synthesis for each claim, expanding the claim professionals toolkit to take the right action on the right claims at the right time.

Drive value at every level of the organization
through summarization and synthesis

For Examiners 

or Clinical Staff

Accelerate Understanding
of Every Claim

Reliable & ingestible medical synthesis right within EvolutionIQ accelerates the examiner’s understanding of the claim’s context, enabling faster, more informed and more confident decision making.

For Managers

Improve Operational Efficiency
Boosts team efficiency by reducing time spent on each claim during critical decision points and bridging the gap in medical understanding among junior examiners, leading to meaningful improvements.
For Carriers

Amplify EvolutionIQ’s Impact
By providing examiners with essential context to take more impactful actions sooner, MedHub serves as a force multiplier, amplifying the overall impact of EvolutionIQ’s platform.