5 Questions With Our Customer Expert: Palantir Vet Kipp Teamey

Working alongside senior leadership team that already includes experts from Google AI, Bloomberg, Microsoft, Facebook and other tech leaders is Kipp Teamey Head …

August 25, 2022

Working alongside senior leadership team that already includes experts from Google AI, Bloomberg, Microsoft, Facebook and other tech leaders is Kipp Teamey Head of Client Impact. He spent nine years as a deployment strategist at Palantir Technologies, which integrates, manages, and secures data as part of complex data analytics. Prior to that he was active duty in the U.S. Navy and is currently serving as a Captain in the Navy Reserve.

  1. What’s the primary focus of the Client Strategy Team?
    We want to future-proof our clients’ businesses so that they are not only deploying best in class technology, but are getting maximum value and insights from it. To do that, our team forges an ongoing partnership with each client to ensure that EvolutionIQ’s AI-powered insights and action recommendations deliver maximum impact not just at launch, but continuously as a client’s claims blocks evolve, explains Kipp. Our team is tied to the client’s team every day. Our goal is to intimately understand the unique characteristics of a client’s unique claims and team structures and to continually surface new ways to leverage the intelligence and action recommendations that the software is generating daily.
  2. What are some ways in which claims are impacted?
    The ROI is immediate and measurable and continues over the long-term. It can be seen every day via reduced cycle times, reduced reserve allocations, reduced adverse events, more efficient clinical and vocational referrals, and reduced examiner and adjuster attrition. Those wins help injured or sick claimants return to work sooner, speed the payment of benefits to them, and they help get the right clinical or vocational experts involved earlier. For adjusters and examiners, it means they get higher work satisfaction as they can now focus their expertise on the most complex and most meaningful claims. And the ROI helps claims leaders manage costs, best allocate staffing resources, and improve their line-of-sight across large, ever-changing claims blocks.
  3. What are some examples of the team’s work?
    Our work centers on having a rapid feedback loop with a client’s senior leadership team, managers and claim examiners and adjusters to ensure in-depth data analysis translates into action. On any given day it can take the form of examiner and adjuster onboarding and training, strategic guidance on the optimal team structures to best utilize the platform’s capabilities, delivering product upgrades and enhancements, and continually calibrating the claims recommendation engine so that suggested actions always align with a carrier’s evolving business objectives and risk profiles.
  4. What surprises clients most about your team?
    We come in on Day 1 with full situational awareness of each client’s unique claims and business characteristics. I think clients are always surprised and impressed that the Client Strategy team understands their claims just as well as they do. And at the same time, we understand the underlying AI technology as well as our machine learning colleagues do. The result is a snowball effect of better claims outcomes.
  5. What’s a serious fact about you and a not-so-serious one?
    On the serious side, I was in the US navy for four years first on a frigate then on an aircraft carrier  and then seven years later got recalled to active duty and was posted at Bagram Airfield during the Afghan war. On the less serious side, I twice went to the National Spelling Bee, the first time going out on
    giustamente because I hadn’t properly studied Italian etymology, and the second time going out on nincompoop. The crowd of 3,000 laughed upon hearing that word, and I buckled!

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